Friday, August 21, 2009

General Motors and Vanilla Ice Cream – a Crazy but unbelievable customer complaint:

This is a real story that happened between the customer of General Motors and its customer-care executive.

A complaint was received by General Motors:

“This is the second time I have written to you, and I don't blame you for not answering me, because I sounded crazy, but it is a fact that we have a tradition in our family of ice cream for dessert after dinner each night. But the kind of ice cream varies, so every night, after we've eaten the whole family votes on which kind of ice cream we should have and I drive down to the store to get it.

It's also a fact that I recently purchased a new Pontiac and since then my trips to the store have created a problem. You see, every time I buy a vanilla ice cream, when I start back from the store my car won't start. If I get any other kind of ice cream, the car starts just fine.

I want you to know I'm serious about this question, no matter how silly it sounds. What is there about a Pontiac that makes it not start when I get vanilla ice cream, and easy to start whenever I get any other kind?"

The Pontiac President was understandably skeptical about the letter, but sent an engineer to check it out anyway. The latter was surprised to be greeted by a successful, obviously well educated man in a fine neighborhood. He had arranged to meet the man just after dinnertime, so the two hopped into the car and drove to the ice cream store. It was vanilla ice cream that night and, sure enough, after they came back to the car, it wouldn't start.

The engineer returned for three more nights. The first night, they got chocolate. The car started. The second night, he got strawberry. The car started. The third night he ordered vanilla. The car failed to start.

Now the engineer, being a logical man, refused to believe that this man's car was allergic to vanilla ice cream. He arranged, therefore, to continue his visits for as long as it took to solve the problem. And towards this end he began to take notes, he jotted down all sorts of data: time of day, type of gas used, time to drive back and forth etc. In a short time, he had a clue: the man took less time to buy vanilla than any other flavor. Why?

The answer was in the layout of the store.

Vanilla, being the most popular flavor, was in a separate case at the front of the store for quick pickup. All the other flavors were kept in the back of the store at a different counter where it took considerably longer to check out the flavor.

Now, the question for the engineer was, why the car wouldn't start when it took less time. Once time became the problem and not the vanilla ice-cream, the engineer quickly came up with the answer: "Vapor lock". It was happening every night; but the extra time taken to get the other flavors allowed the engine to cool down sufficiently to start. When the man got vanilla, the engine was still too hot for the vapor lock to dissipate.

Remember: Even crazy-looking problems are sometimes real and all problems seem to be simple only when we find the solution with a cool thinking.

Moral: Don't just say its "IMPOSSIBLE" without putting in sincere efforts.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


2% or 98% ??

This is strange...can you figure it out?

Are you the 2% or 98% of the population?

Follow the instructions! NO PEEKING AHEAD!

* Do the following exercise, guaranteed to raise an eyebrow.

* There's no trick or surprise.

* Just follow these instructions, and answer the questions one at a time and as quickly as you can!

* Again, as quickly as you can but don't advance until you are done each of them really.

- Think of a number from 1 to 10

- Multiply that number by 9

- If the number is a 2-digit number, add the digits together

- Now subtract 5

- Determine which letter in the alphabet corresponds to the number you ended up with

(example: 1=a, 2=B, 3=c, 4=d etc.)

- Think of a country that starts with that letter

- Remember the last letter of the name of that country

- Think of the name of an animal that starts with that letter

- Remember the last letter in the name of that animal

Think of the name of a fruit that starts with that letter


! Are you thinking of a Kangaroo in Denmark eating an Orange ? !

I told you this was FREAKY!! If not, you're among the 2% of the population whose minds are different enough to think of something else. 98% of people will answer with kangaroos in Denmark when given this exercise.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Success is from 99% Failure:

When I first walked, I fell

When I spoke, I stuttered

When I wrote ‘d’, it looked like ‘b’

When I wrote ‘b’, it looked like a ‘d’

When I sprinted, I puked

When I rode a bike, I crashed

When I played football, I fumbled

When I was a student, I failed more classes than I passed

My first three girlfriends either dumped me or were nuts

When I ran for political office I lost. Thank God!

When I started a dot com in 1997, I worked 90 hours a week for two years and never made a dollar

When I drove a truck, I dumped 2,000 gallons of paint (by accident) in a parking lot and created an environmental hazard (we cleaned it up)

When I first drove, I totaled 4 cars

When I first used Windows 95, I trashed the entire file system

When I first administered data, I deleted an entire customer database without a backup and I lived to talk about it.

That's just a few of my failures. Believe me, I have a lot more. My failures used to haunt me. They used to inhibit me from trying again.

But today I believe in myself.

The day you quit trying and surrender to your demons is the day your soul dies.


Monday, August 03, 2009

Offer to fly US for free:

I got this e-mail from a stranger. Sure, it’s a spam. Since I receive this kind of mail for the first time, thought of blogging and here it is:

Dear friend,

I am Miss Rita Richmond, a staff of WORLD HUMAN RIGHT ORGANIZATION (W.H.R.O) Washington D.C, U.S.A. and a member of the international Red Cross. We are organizing a global combined conference against RACISM and HUMAN TRAFFICKING in U.S.A and DAKAR SENEGAL WEST AFRICA. It is my pleasure to invite you to participate in this global combined international conference, taking place from 17th to 20th August 2009 at Washington D.C in the United States of America and in Dakar- Senegal Africa from 24th to 27th August 2009.

In our request to invite people from various countries around the world, I went in search of e-mails on the Google web site as a means of contacting people and organizations As a result; I picked your e-mail from an N.G.Os website. If you are interested to participate as an individual or want to represent your country or your organization, you may contact the conference secretariat genera of the organizing committee for details and information’s regarding registration for the international conference.

Inform them that you were invited to participate by a friend of yours (Miss Rita Richmond) who is a member of the International Committee of the Red Cross and a staff of WORLD HUMAN RIGHT ORGANIZATION (W.H.R.O).

I believe that we may have the opportunity to meet if you may be willing to participate in this event. The benevolent donors from across the world and the Organizing Committee will provide air round trip tickets, accommodation and visa processing for all registered participants for the period of Staying in the U.S, If you are a holder of passport that may require visa to enter into the United States you may inform the conference secretariat at the time of registration, as the organizing committee is responsible for all visa arrangements and travel assistance.

Below is the contact address of the conference secretariat.

By email:

You can also contact me on my private e-mail:

Yours secretly,

Miss Rita Richmond.